Saturday, August 12, 2006

Who said Golf was not a contact Sport?

Young "Tiger Woods" in training, Jay Sterling

Yesterday, it was a cool 92 degrees in Lafayette, ( who would have ever thought 92 deg. would be cool? Compared to 106 degrees the day before - hey, make the best of it!) Anyway, I wanted to play the newest golf course in our area which happens to be "The Wetlands", a new public course in my back yard. I was able to bring Jay Sterling with me to drive the cart. I wanted someone else to join us so I called Diondi Lessard. Big D likes any kind of sport, he is very competitive, if you tell him that you are playing under water chess or hop scotch and gonna keep score - he is immediately your enemy and out to destroy you. D has been a great friend and a great friend of the ministry. He came to us from HPC in Baton Rouge, so kudos to Pastor Dino for aiming him and his family in the right direction. In fact, Trista, his wife, is the one answering the phones when you call into the office these days. She is filing in for Tandi who is on maternity leave.

If you thought golf was not a contact sport, then you've never played with Big D! On the 5th hole or so, Sterling and I was on one cart and Diondi on a cart by HIMSELF (remember that D was by himself). I had out drove him of the t-box (once again) by a few yards. Sterling was driving me up to my ball and D was just behind us. All of a sudden we heard this loud "Bang" and "Boom" and the words "Oh my God". We turned back to see that Diondi had ran over himself with his own golfcart! The golf cart was in the weeds, Diondi was under the cart on the ground lying in the weeds, clubs were everywhere, Sterling and I were dying laughing, not sure if Diondi was laughing or crying. So to all you golfers out there, watch out for those carts. They will attack you at any given moment. Or, simply don't take Diondi with you when you go. Love ya Bid D! I am looking forward to this weekends services at TFC. Hope to see all of our extended family in one of the services.

Diondi 0 Golf Cart 1


Anonymous said...

how do you spell mulligan?? do over!! where's a video camera when you need it?

Anonymous said...

it looks like it took your leg off!!

Anonymous said...

Ok let me set the record straight. I was in the cart by myself and i was leaning over to the right hand side of the cart looking down onto the ground to see whose ball was there. As i leaned from the driver seat over to the passenger my foot tapped the accelerator. Cart jumps forward and i start to fall out of the passenger side of cart. I try to pullmyself back in but i hit the accellerator again and harder. Cart goes forward fast and i get dumped onto the ground where you see me. Cart continues off the cart path into the weeds. So if your life lacks crazy impossible things going on hang around me for awile, and the most insane situations are sure to arise. Diondi