Friday, September 08, 2006

Revealing Revelation - Sneak -Peek for some!

I am so fired up about this series! I have never taught on Revelation in a series at TFC. Just studying my notes and scriptures over the past few weeks has excited me. To those that were here this past Wed. Night - you got a sneak peek! Good for you. Just kinda wet our appetite a little to create a hunger for the upcoming weeks. Don't miss any if possible!

The book of Revelation is not a book about the future. It's a book about your future. It's not just some scientific study about what might happen next. Its a very personal book. Every single one of us is mentioned in this book. Not by name. But were all mentioned. Everybody in all of human history is mentioned in this book of Revelation. Its a very personal book about our lives and about what God is going to do in our lives.

New Set for Upcoming Series - Great Job Team!
This Wednesday night we will begin our journey and discover the background, the main character, the beast, the throne, the emphasis, the purpose, and see the hope that this book provides. Journey with us chapter by chapter, scene by scene, and moment by moment as we explain and define the book of Revelation as we experience - Revealing Revelation.

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