Sunday, September 10, 2006

A Called Day of Prayer and Fasting

This will be a 1st for TFC - A called day of prayer and fasting. God spoke to me several months ago about such a day. As we looked at the calender, one available date was 9/11. I thought what a perfect day, noy only to remember and reflect back on one day that changed our lives but also for personal reflection as well. I have called the entire body of TFC to fast all day from food limiting our diet to juice and water. We will unite for prayer tonight at TFC at 7 pm for one hour of Prayer and Worship. I am so excited about what God will do. I think the process began Yesterday, as over 100 people flooded the alter during the 9 am service and 50 or so young people gathered at the alter during the 11Am service. What an incredible day - an incredible presence of God - an incredible day to be alive! See you Tonight ay 7PM - Come expecting.

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