Tuesday, August 29, 2006

"Crash and Burn"

Micah, So close to it but never saw it!
This past weekend we loaded up the kids and a few of there friends and headed to the mall of Louisiana in Baton Rouge to eat in the food court and ride the Ferris wheel. My kids love going to the mall to eat because they have soooo many choices. Regan loves to get a HUGE ham and cheese baked Potato, Sterling always gets the Chinese food, and Jansen is faithful to Chic-fil-a, (Truet Kathy would love this kid). Micah, he really doesn't care what you get him, as long as he gets those dipp'n dots on our way out. A few weeks ago I had gotten him some and in just a few minutes I looked down and he was already finished. Later in the car, he was saying his paints were all wet. I looked at him and there was this white looking milk stuff all over the seat, his pants, and my floor. He had put all those dots in his pocket for later, that is what he told me. Tessy was washing Regans paints one time and pulled out a stiff dead frog. I love having boys - you just never know what you could find in their pockets. Anyway, Micah was really excited to ride the Ferris wheel. He talked about it the whole hour from Lafayette to BR. He just couldn't wait - excitement filled the air. After pulling up and unloading all the kids, we found Micah sound asleep! We couldn't wake him. We went in and ate and he never woke up. Now it was time to ride the Ferris wheel - 7 kids got on from our group - but NO Micah!

Surely, there must be a lesson in here somewhere! What are you thoughts? What could this represent in our lives? Not the dipp'n dots - Micah, missing the action!

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