Missionaries and Pastors having LunchOn Wednesday of this week, I was part of a group of Pastors and Missionaries doing a little planning for the upcoming year. It was great to be a part of so many great men of God who have a heart to reach this world with the love of Jesus Christ. Missionaries from Brazil and various countries in Africa were present along with Pastors from Louisiana. I am so excited about what God is up to in 2007. TFC get ready for BIG things this year. All of you who have a heart to travel and see what God is doing in other parts of the world - GET READY!
Children's Cup President - Dave Ohlerking in MiddleI also got to meet the new pastor that will be going to Pastor the Mozambique Campus in Southern Africa. This is the church that we helped build this past year. His name is Issac Williams. The kick-off weekend is scheduled for April 2007 around Easter Sunday.
The New Mozambique Pastor - Issac WilliamsThis Weekend, Charles Lambert will be with us, sharing stories from around the world of what God is doing and how to prepare to be a part of what God is doing. Also, on Monday Night 7pm, a special one hour seminar on "Preparing for Missions" will be held in the Main Auditorium. See all of you Missionaries there. Looking forward to a great weekend of services. Be Blessed. January 21st, Something BIG is Coming!