Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Even friends sometimes let you down!

Yesterday we returned home and I saw something a little odd running across the yard. It was these 2 baby skunk's! Tessy thought they were so cute, the boys wanted to keep them as pets, all I know is those "cute little things" STUNK! We were not sure what to do with them - I heard you could have them "de-glanded". We all suggested who to call - Tessy said to call here brother Trent, he raised some for a while, I said call her brother Troy, he always has these crazy pets, (Agnes, what kind of family did you raise?) Regan said, call Bro. Boogie, he will know what to do with them, "cause brother boogie knows everything about animals!" So I called him, he kinda laughed for a while until he realized I was serious and that I actually had these critters in my hand. He said that he had NO IDEA! Regan also mentioned that Bro. Boogie used them in his gumbo's before. What a reputation this man has about the wild! Sometimes even good friends let you down. Boogie knew nothing about how to handle these young skunks! Anyway, can't wait to try your next gumbo Bro. Boogie!

I love raising boys - they want to catch everything that moves and keep them as pets or put them in a jar and put them on their top shelf to stare at all day long. Sometimes I will hear Tessy say, "get those things out of the house". I used to go and inquire as to what they had - when I hear that now - I just laugh and only wonder! Oh yea, and I Love "Bro. Boogie".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

those skunks really stunk. they stunck so bad it burned the back of my throat. if you walk inside the house, and walk back out, it smelled really bad.